machinery for repairing septic failures

3 Maintenance Tips For A Long Lived Air Compressor

Once you've added an air compressor to your tool arsenal, there's just no going back--that's how handy they are. But in order to get the most out of your compressor, you're going to need to learn how to take care of it. If you have recently invested in an air compressor and would like to learn more about how to maintain it, read on. This article will present three tips for a tip-top compressor.

Replace the air filter.

In a nutshell, an air compressor works by sucking air into an increasingly high-pressure chamber. In the process, it invariably manages to suck up a whole lot of other things besides air--things like dirt, dust, and other forms of particulate matter. Therefore, much like cars, air compressors come equipped with a filter to help keep that debris from jamming up sensitive internal components.

When an air filter becomes too clogged, the pressure of the compressor will begin to diminish. Over time, this will put undue strain on the motor, thus greatly increasing the risk of a burn out. To keep this from happening, it is important to check the air filter regularly and replace it as needed with a fresh one.

Drain moisture from the tank.

Particulate matter isn't the only thing that gets drawn into your compressor; any moisture that happens to be present in that air will also enter the tank. This is an especial problem for those who live in wet, humid environments. As the air in the tank cools, that moisture condenses, eventually leading to a significant puddle of at the bottom of the compressor.

Unless this water is periodically removed, it will cause the interior to rust. Left unchecked, this could result in a dangerous blow-out, if the tank wall were to become thin enough. Fortunately, on the bottom of your tank you can find a special valve for draining this condensation. If you are unable to find it on your own, consult your manual for the valve's placement.

Change the oil regularly.

Like most any motorized machine, an air compressor requires oil in order to run correctly. Without this essential lubricant, friction would soon cause the motor to overheat and malfunction. Thus it is important to check the oil levels in your air compressor on a regular basis. Depending on the model of your air compressor, this can be done either by removing a dipstick, or by consulting a special oil gauge.

But simply having oil in the machine isn't the only thing you should be worried about. Even if the compressor is full of oil, you may still develop problems unless that oil is fresh and clean. To keep old oil from gumming up the works, it is recommended that you replace it with fresh oil after approximately 300 hours of operation. If you want to learn more about air compressor maintenance, visit Compressed Air Systems.
